About DesignIsThis


DesignIsThis.com is an independent retailer that specializes in offering a carefully curated range of innovative items for the design enthusiast. Our collection includes a wide selection of cutting edge design products ranging from furniture and lighting to fashion accessories, designer wristwatches and kitchen appliances.

Designer Mirrors

Designer Mirrors

Shop our range of decorative mirrors: Wall, floor, dressing and frameless mirrors, with minimal and modern design.

Modern Wall Clocks

Contemporary Wall Clocks

Browse our selection of designer wall clocks for, including marble clocks, decorative clocks and modern digital clocks.

Modern Ceiling Lamps

Modern Ceiling Lights

Brighten your space with decorative lights. Choose from a variety of modern ceiling lights, pendant lamps and chandeliers.

Special Offers

Featured Collections

Design & Lifestyle Shop

Welcome to Designisthis.com, the boutique online shop for all your design needs. Here you will find a comprehensive selection of design objects created by the most inspiring designers.

Discover home accessories that will transform your living space, rare fashion accessories, trendy outdoor furniture, contemporary lighting, artistic mirrors and other beautiful products that will take you through a wonderful aesthetic journey. Together with 100s of renowned manufacturers and 1000s of visionary designers, we are on a daily mission to connect people that appreciate good design with creative individuals that have a vision for a better (and more stylish) tomorrow!